Tuesday 26 May 2015

Millie's writing

Yesterday I was a monster and went to the dump. We got there by jumping. When we were at the dump we put on yellow jackets so all of us would be unsafe . When we crossed the road a big car crashed into us and we ate it and that was the test yay. Now we haff to eat 50 tyres! We are now at the glass spot. We dived into the glass. we loved it, it was fun. Now all of us are at the rubbish place I called it the rubbish place because I didn't know what it is and they would throw it into your mouth delicious. Time to go to bunnings warehouse, when we had a tour you had to push everything into the bin and when we got our goody bag we went to the park for lunch. To get there we swam through a duck pond . When we got we ate our lunch.  

Mischa's recount

I went to the monster dump I ate all the rubbish. After all of that we went to monster warehouse, the two monsters told us to reduce, reuse and recycle. After when we were going to go we got a monster bottle, monster ball and a monster ruler. Lastly we went to the Land fill, it was smelly!

Hanyl's trampoline story

Hi  my name is  d-body, and I will tell you about being in space. I was bouncing up and down on the trampoline and I saw Saturn and I saw the sun and I saw a UFO!

Monster recount

Yesterday we went  to a landfil it was horrible.  When we got to the top of mountain we were allowed to go into the rubbish. After that, we were allowed to go  to Pics. We saw Monica she showed us around we had a competition- who ever guessed how much peanuts it took to make a jar of peanut butter. After, we went to the Recycle center, Adie took us around l saw a big machine. That makes the rubbish into bales.  

Tilio's monster recount

Yesterday I went to Recycling Centre with my class. I saw a monster who's name is Fluffy! He fell down into the recycling. We also went to Bunnings Warehouse and I saw another monster. He knocked over the plants and fell down into the plants.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Bird feeder designs

Dear Uncle (Ashley) and Mum/brother (Lexie). Here are our bird feeder designs, can you look at them and tell us what you like, don't like and any ideas for making them better.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Hanyl this week

I went to the  dump and we get to eat peanut butter at Pic's.

Tilio and Cleo this week

I really like my story
because its 2 pages long
Yesterday  I went to the
Recycling with my class.
I saw a monster who's
name is Fluffy!!!

Millie this week.

This week we were writing monster stories, some was true and some was not. 

millie's week.

This week we wrote a monster story about going  to the dump some was true and some was fake. we went to three place bunnngs and a landfill pluse a dump.

William's book of the week

 I am doing a project about plastic. my group (Jack,  Finlay, Oliver and Bryn) we are building a mouse cage. This is my process sheet, we are up to making our concept.

Frankie's week

I wrote a monster story this week and most things were true but... we had an opportunity to do some not true things.


I did a story about rubbish
it was funny I liked it.
Our whole class had to do it I liked doing it.

Tyla this week

This is my build a monster sheet.
I got a vampire monster, and was happy about that.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Frankie's story

If you do teeny tiny things thy can make a huge difference. I turn the lights off because…it saves electricity. Recycling is good for the earth because…it  helps  a lot for the earth. Be nice to the worms because…they help our trees grow and help our soil. Use both sides of the paper because…it saves our trees.


If you do tiny teeny ant sized thing to help earth it will make a GIGANTIC difference. I RECYCLE trash because...I want the whole of earth to stay clean! I plant new trees because... other trees get chopped down for paper. When I'm hot I take my underwear off and put it in the fridge because.. it keeps me cool.





Bob was boxing, he was boxing
In the park.
he  hit a SHARK!
 the SHARK  needed a doctor.

the snowman limerick

There was a snowman called Kyle
he couldn't walk a mile
He tried to get to the shop
to buy some nice lollypops
he went out side to go down the slide and go hide.
He went to France and dance  and dance and dance!
He met a snow man called Fred and he could take off his head.

Kyle the snowman

This is a poem about a snowman called Kyle.
He could not walk a mile!
He wanted to get a house
but he walked slower then a mouse.
He saw a snowman called Bob that was not a slob.

Line of symmetry

Monday 11 May 2015


symmetry is anything that has two sides the same!!!!!!
By Ben


Symmetry is something that has the same thing you can cut in half it's the same on both sides.
By Bruno.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Mieshelle to the rescue!

Once there was a town called petsville and the animals could not keep still! But Just before the Dog mayor turned it into Stinkyville. Quick as-a-flash, came Mieshelle Cleany paws, flying down the street as fast as a horse."It's stinky around here, standing on a rubbish bin" she's standing up so tall and thin. "Can't you guy's just put something in the bin?" "This town is full of cat doodle, dog doodle, rabbit doodle and even poodle doodle!"And also you guys leave your rotten food on the ground" If you don't stop you will all go to an animal pound!" "I'm going to give you each a cleaning machine to clean your town in 123!" So that town had a new mayor which was Mieshelle Cleany paws there and you know what she called there town... "clean town!"and there town was never dirty again.

Brianna alien story

this is my story about me being a shooting star    
it is 4 pages long.

Reef this week

yesterday we  were learning where oil comes from and here it is.

Bruno's fun week

This week room 5 are looking at plastic, here is some of my work. 8% of the world's oil is used to make plastic!

Tiffany this week

My shooting star story. This week we had to make a story about me going to space as a shooting star. I saw an alien, he helped me get back home!


This is my pet spider story
I chose it because I am proud
of it. My goal was not to
make it to long or be loud
I'm so proud of it.

Oliver this week

This is my book of the week, I went to find things around the school and measure things.

Wednesday 6 May 2015


  • Hello I'm a surprisingly handsome book writer who, some how, one day
  • went hurtling into space here's how it happened...
  • One day in a toy shop me and my mum brought a toy aeroplane 
  • and I purposefully flew it out of the atmosphere 
  • now I'm an asteroid but oh the amazing things I saw...
  • aliens,stars,jupter,stars,saturn,aliens,and did I mention stars?
  • so later on I mean in one hundred years I crashed into
  • saturn and the asteroids in the rings I spun and 
  • spun and spun again soon it went so fast it
  • shot me to earth my home contry newzealndthe end i hope you enjoyed it.

Doo-boo the stinky place!

Once there was a town called Doo-boo, it was stinky flinkey Woo Woo Mc Doo came too the rescue -"Never fear I will blow your town up and melt the rubbish. I'll be back in a jiffie  and take over your town". A week later.  "the town is all mine" said Mc-doo. The town was burnt To the ground and the people were not allowed back.

Pirate Mitchell comes to the rescue

One day there was a city named BANANAMAN. It was a very clean city but not for long... pirate Mitchell comes to the rescue, (he didn't really help) he landed in the rubbish bin"whoops" Then he hoped in the car that was next to him...vrrrm! He was knocking over all of the rubbish bins like domino's"oh no"yelled the kids in the  city then he hauled all of the of the rubbish away. "Hurray I never want to see that pirate again" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!